We've logged thousands of hours of medium voltage (600V - 35kV) over the years. Our training covers lineman work, classic splicing techniques, 3M splicing systems, terminations, NCSB certification, and lots of experience in critical and complex situations. Whether it's a military base or a commercial project we have the experience and know-how.

Wire Pulls, Splicing, Terminations & Testing

For some time now we have been building an experienced and well trained team of medium voltage technicians. For new installations and connections to existing cables we have qualified specialists who can safely and accurately perform in even the most critical of situations. 

Below are just a handful of the projects we have performed recently. 

  • Murphy Canyon Child Development Center

    This Child Development Center’s convenient neighborhood location offered quite the challenge to Team Cacy, as our team had to trench through the streets to get to the site, all while coordinating High Voltage work. Furthermore, the topographical challenges presented onsite included different slopes and elevations. Still, we contributed the latest and best technology and a fully functioning kitchen to their facilities; More importantly, we enjoyed supporting this center through excellent, dependable work.

  • Camp Pendleton Building P-532

    This particular Medium Voltage job is one we at Team Cacy take pride in not only because of its deep underground and slab-on-grade work and its excellent finishes, but also for its impressive quality. The work was so striking that it compelled the military to aware our foreman with a Coin of Excellence. Whether it was a reflection of our team’s ability to face challenges inherent in the job or for their impressive as-builts, we could not be more proud of Cacy Electric’s contributions to this project, nor this hard-earned award.


    The North Island Naval Air Station in Coronado was in need of a team that was as adaptable as their inevitable responsibilities. So it was our privilege when Team Cacy was invited to help with some necessary improvements including everything from rewiring existing freight elevators and restrooms, to providing new wiring to a brand new elevator.